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Week 2 Industry Resume

The purpose of this activity is to get the understanding of how to look for keywords and phrases within job description. That makes us who we are and incorporate it into out resumes that way it shows more to what we can offer.

It didn't reach 80% match unfortunately, yet it did get a boost from the original of 20% match to a current 36% match that being a 16% increase. I should probably let go of this job and continue searching for something that will be a better fit.

  • Three ways I tailored my resume keywords and phrases to align with my Target Audience, I attempted to still keep it minimal and to the point as best as possible. I first took a few keywords from that job description I scanned that I believed best fit myself and overall personality and incorporated it into my resume, updating the descriptions section under experiences and adding more skill sets that I know I have from the work that I do. Phrasing and rephrasing until so that everything fit and it didn't overlap another section or itself, and even trying to keep it at one page was my second tailored project of this assignment. The third and certainly not least was keeping the design together with what I am trying to show that I am capable of doing for future employers and companies. I know I need a lot more practice, and this is a great start to continue working out of and making my brand and self better than before. I will eventually get it and employers will be pleased with my work that I have to offer.

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