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Week 2: Professional Digital Presence

The purpose of this activity is teaching us to better set up and use LinkedIn to its full potential in getting our foot in the door of the companies we want to work for.


Pt1: (Before Update)






I have chosen my Twitter account as an additional social media profile of my choice to better support my LinkedIn Profile.

My Twitter bio reads as "#MediaStrategist, #BrandDesigner, #Photojournalist, Lifestyle. For Business Inquires (Para os negócios de Facturamento), e-mail". It supports my LinkedIn Profile just for having at list three of the keywords I use on both (Media Strategist, Brand Designer and Photojournalist") since they limit in character to how much we can add to the bio portion, I wanted to also have written in my other language of Portuguese what I also have written in English in hopes that eventually one of these days I can double the clientele by not just limiting myself to one set of individuals. I am willing to work with bilinguals as well and those who don't speak English, yet want and need help branding themselves and businesses. That being said in Portuguese I have in parenthesis's what I have just before that "For Business Inquires".



The keywords and phrases I've updated in my profiles do align with my personal brand mission and I feel as I keep promoting myself out there that they will only get better with time and patience. Some gaps in my skills that might prevent being hired as I looked over it, probably being too straight forward and maybe there may be a thing or two that sound repetitive, that I will rewrite and make it sound more authentic and detailed professional towards the end of the month. I still have quite a learning and growing to do in the media industry and that is okay; as long as I don't give up and take absolutely not take any "NOs" for results.

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