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Enhanced Portfolio Site

The purpose of this activity was to revisit our portfolio site and work on it to showcase that we have done and what we can do in our future careers. As well as, know that we will continue coming back and making edits to our portfolio when need be to fit what we are and have been doing.


This iteration of my site is definitely stronger than it previously was just by taking some pointer feed backs from my previous instructor and the peer feedback I had received last month. Even the feedback I had given my classmate last month I applied it to mine; as well as, viewing other students portfolio sites on Diigo and even doing a quick google search on other professional portfolio sites has helped me extremely!

Looking at this revision of my portfolio site, I do understand exactly how I'll like to leverage my site moving foward in the months ahead, as well as throughout my career. I definitely want to have another page open up in a new window in the future where I can properly display much more of my portfolio work better. Organize a section for my photography works past, present and future in an even in-depth organization for quick and easy view. Of course have links to sites I have worked on and will work on, as well as links to videos I have and will be posting. Ads, logos and business cards I work on will also have their own sections and so on so forth.

THREE goals I would like to set for myself when revisitng my portfolio site in upcoming portfolio courses would have to be (this first one is probably a first off, yet it should be done) to get a better headshot of myself being that that is the first photo visitors will see upon the site loading. That being said, the first goal would be to get more work experience so I can add to my resume. Secondly, I as kind of mentioned before to get a bit more organized with my portfolio work; if that means get a little OCD to have it perfectly in it's order and sections so that it will be a quick and easy process to find and view, that is what I will do. Lastly, yet not last to continue to have confidence in myself when working and building my portfolio and take every feedback -good and critical into consideration and make it work for me, the past projects and future ones.

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