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Portfolio Site

The purpose of this activity to help us to begin and get a better understanding on how to and to build our own portfolio for our career preferences.


I am very proud of my site not just because it was created by me, yet because I put my whole self into it.

I do understand how I will leverage this site moving forward, simply by updating my resume with more work experiences; as well as my portfolio, with work am I truly proud of displaying and that I have the okay of my clients to display their content on my site.

Currently I feel is a bit strong all over because I may not have a ton of completed work I can call me, and that is okay because I know that it will most definitely grow as I keep moving forward.

Adding work that I am proud to display on my portfolio site needs most attention and that will only continue to happen as I continue to build it and myself.

Three goals I would like to set for myself when revisiting this site in upcoming portfolio courses is first off, to make sure I have works I am extremely proud of displaying and have a really great logo that represents my work and who I am. Secondly if I have to rearrange any content around that works at the time -most definitely will do that to keep the site looking fresh. Lastly yet certainly not least, keep confidence that my portfolio represents the best me possible, as well as my work and that nothing happens overnight that I have to continue working hard to receive what I want and be where I want to be.

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